Observerships are normally opportunities for medical students in the preclinical years at Queen’s University, School of Medicine to gain exposure to different disciplines in Medicine.
There are a few things to consider for an observership in Critical Care.
The best way to experience this is to come for a morning Monday to Friday. This will give the best exposure to see how the unit works and what the patients are like and how the work proceeds. Normally, the day would start at 0800h with having you join the residents for the morning seminar that covers various topics in Critical Care, depending on the day that you come. The schedule for the morning will normally be:
0800-0900h: ICU resident seminar (Davies 2 conference room, except on Wednesdays in the Sim Lab on Douglas 3)
0900-0930h: Multidisciplinary hand over (Davies 2 conference room)
0930-1200h: Bedside rounds with the team (Kidd 2)
The afternoons are not structured but are used for procedures, family meetings and admissions and whatever else needs to be done. You are welcome to stay for the afternoon but it is unpredictable as to what will be going on.
You should come dressed for clinical work and your name badge is mandatory. You don’t need any clinical tools (eg. stethoscope) and a white coat is optional.
Please ensure that you obtain approval from Undergraduate Medical Education prior to doing a Critical Care observership.